Om yoga symbolYoga Sadhana - Practice




Class Information


Just for Fun

Instructor Qualifications



Names of Basic Yoga Asanas

Yoga poses (asanas) have names both in English and Sanskrit. In fact they often have more than one name. This .pdf document gives widely-used names for some common yoga poses, and explains the word roots that make up each name.

Download Names of Basic Yoga Asanas (48KB .pdf)

Oohm-Muah and Cathedral Sunlight

Qigong (pronounced "chee gong") is a Chinese health and healing technique that dates back thousands of years. We are fortunate to have Spring Forest Qigong in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, an organization established by Chunyi Lin, a Qigong Master. His goal is to work towards having "a healer in every family and a world without pain."

The Spring Forest Qigong Small Universe and Energy Breathing meditations use the traditional yogic "Om" chant, spoken forwards and backwards as "Oohm... Muah... Oohm... Muah...". The meditator breathes in time with the chant. This .mp3 file presents half an hour of the Oohm-Muah chant at a speed of four breaths per minute, accompanied by almost 35 minutes of music.

The music accompanying the chant is Sunlight Through Cathedral Window by Robert Ronnes.

Feel Free to download this meditation for your own use or to share with friends. However, it must not be sold, nor may it be used in any other commercial activity. When you share it, please credit Robert Ronnes for the music and myself for the chant. Thank you!

Listen to Qigong Chant (48MB .mp3)
Click to listen... right-click on a PC or control-click on a Mac to download

Mind-Body Fitness

The Phoenix Spirit is a monthly publication for people working on their own personal well-being, one that has been published in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area for the past 40+ years.  In 2009, Dennis was one of the people interviewed by Jessica Orange for their cover story on mind-body fitness.  Read this article to learn what Jessica found out about how meditation, qigong and yoga can improve mental and physical fitness.

Read Article on Mind-Body Fitness
Click to read... right-click on a PC or control-click on a Mac to download